Go to Your Dreams with Allah

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017 - 06:00 WIB
Go to Your Dreams with Allah
Go to Your Dreams with Allah
WIRDA when she was very kecil... She paked (pake bentuk present. Bentuk past tense nya: paked), the teranger jilbab.

She had a lot of mimpis (mimpi, single. mimpis, jamak). She had a lot of dreams. Wanna bangun the big big big campus of Al Qur’an in all over the dunia. And be the Professor of Qur’an.

All of you harus have dreams. If you don’t have even one dream, you kurang motivasi hidup. Apalagi... (Apalagi bahasa inggrisnya, apa?). Apalagi you have Allah. Ada Allah. Innaahuu ‘alaa kulli syai-in Qodiir. Allah can do anything. Allah can help you to get your mimpis.

Ga ada yang ga mungkin buat Allah. Semuanya mungkin. Hingga seorang tukang es keliling di Terminal Kalideres, tahun 1999, bisa juga ngapload soal ini di websitenya. Semua atas izin Allah. Laa takhof, walaa tahzan. Innallaaha ma’anaa. Don’t be sediher. Don’t be takuter.

Allah itu with us. Go to your dreams. Go and get it. With Allah. (Sumber : www.pppa.or.id )
Go to Your Dreams with Allah
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