
Minggu, 04 Juni 2017 - 06:00 WIB
The simple way I ever learned from al Westerniyyah (pemikiran barat, he he) to achieve your dream is just dream it. They said, no limits for your dream. Not even GOD. Wow....!!! They said, your thinking, or this universe is your God.

Of course I will not agree. At all. When the say we have no limit, actually we have limits. Related by God’s rules.

It will make us still as a human being. Not become a God. Seriously. Sky has no limit? No. It is limited.

You know, when Allah say.... Laa tanfudzhuuhaa illaa bi-sulthooon.... You can reach skies without Allah’s power. It’s our limit.

Iman is our limit. Akhlak is our limit. Fiqh is our limit. So, in many cases, al Westerniyyah said your iman makes you weak.

Your Law’s rules, called fiqh, is make you weak. No rules. How it could be no rules?

Where we live? We live in the earth. Belongs to who? Belongs to Allah. And there is a rule. There are rules. The rule of Allah.

Harusnya....(Harusnya apa ya? He he). With iman, you harusnya stronger, not weak. With iman, you will be stronger.

We have doa. It’s a true power that has no limit. Because doa more than dream. How can dream better than doa?

When doa has no power? Different with dream?

Your doa will have no power....

Okkay, my flight is calling....Go to Riau.... Ay pamit dulu ya.... Later we learn from those 'amazing' people.

There is no mistake learn from anyone.... InsyaAllah. We can compare with our beauty Islam.... Without loose the passion....

Don’t forget to do dhuha, ‘n read Qur’an. Bring your dreams.... To Allah...Pray, ‘n do an action....
See u all.... See u all, not become ibadah, he he.... Wassalaamu’alikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh, without he he, he he he....

From your lovely brother...Yusuf Mansur (Sumber : www.pppa.or.id )
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